Dr. Ir. M.Syahri, M.T

Bidang Kompetensi Ilmu: Korosi, Maintenance dan Handling
Language proficiency : English

Spesial Mekanik dan Bahan. Berpengalaman dalam bidang Surface facility engineer, Plan of Development TAC, Plan of Further Development East Pamanukan Field, Reviewer Team BP MIGAS, East Kalimantan Gas Deliverability (Vico, Chevron, TOTAL), Integrated Geology, Geophysic and Reservoir Simulation (GG & R). Plan of Development Rengasdengklok Field, Dosen Perancangan Alat Proses, Pengetahuan Keselamatan Pabrik, Bahan Konstruksi dan Korosi, di Jurusan Teknik Kimia di UPN Veteran Yogyakarta . Kajian Kompatibilitas Air Injeksi terhadap Air Formasi pada Oil Recovery, Kajian experimental sistem pemanas air bertenaga surya, Reaktor, 8(1). Performance of a non-metallic unglazed solar water heater with integrated storage system, Renewable Energy, 29. Corrosion Inhibition of AISI-1010 in Carbonate-bicarbonate solution by Sodium benzoate inhibitor, the 10th Asia Pacific Corrosion Control Conference (APCCC-X)-INDOCOR, Oct 27-31,. Oil Production & Surface Facility Heat Exchanger Design and Maintenance. Safe Handling Storage of Hazardous, Material Chemical Hazard Handling. Menjadi korfinator tetap dam membangun tim instructor iptek bidang maintenance industry industry kimia.
