Dr. Ir. Agus Santoso Tamsir, MT
Bidang Kompetensi Ilmu: Teknologi Electric, Microelectronik dan Instrumentasi
Language proficiency : English and Germany

Graduated in Doctor Degree (on 12 October 2006 by the Senat of UKM) with thesis entitled Differential Capacitive MEMS Accelerometer with Non-Crossing Sensing Element for Airbag Application) in Institute of Microengineering and nanoelectronics – Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (IMENUKM) with specialization on MEMS (Micro-Electro- Mechanical System). Short course on Digital Acquisition System at PAU-ITB (Inter University Centre – Bandung Institute of Technology); Short course on Image Processing at PAU-ITB (Inter University Centre – Bandung Institute of Technology); As visiting researcher at Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik – Reinische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH Aachen) –Germany; Summer School on – The Engineering Sciences in Indonesia Between University and Industry, at ITB - Bandung, Organized by ITB – DAAD Germany; As visiting researcher at Institut für Halbleitertechnik – Technische Universität Braunschweig (TU Braunschweig) – Germany; Summer school on Computer Engineering and Information Technology at School of Computer Engineering – Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in collaboration with DAAD Germany – Bangkok – Thailand; Workshop on Semiconductor Technology at Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronic (IMEN) – UKM – Bangi Malaysia. ; Workshop on Intellisuite MEMS CAD Tools program at Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronic (IMEN) –UKM – Bangi – Malaysia ; Workshop on Coventorware MEMS CAD Tools program at Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronic (IMEN) – UKM – Bangi – Malaysia.Working Experience : Berechnung der Ankoppelverluste einer Glasfaser an einen integrierte-optischen Wellenleiter, in RWTH Aachen –Germany Design and Simulation of Optical Performance of 1.55 μm GaInAsP/InP Semiconductor Laser with Intrinsic Single Mode Layers – Master thesis Optical Amplifier with GaInAsP/InP Semiconductor Material for Optical Communication using Liquid Phase Epitaxial Fabrication Equipment – 4th Indonesian Strategic Integrated. The Development of Tunable Semiconductor Laser in Long Wavelength – University Research Grant for Education – as Research team members – with Prof.Dr.Ir. Djoko Hartanto MSc as the Principal Investigator of the research project Study of Dry Etch-Rate of Ion Beam Etcher of SiO2, Si3N4 and Titanium, in Technische Universität Braunschweig (TU Braunschweig) – Germany Differential Capacitive MEMS Accelerometer with Non- Crossing Sensing Element for Airbag Application, in Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics – Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (IMEN-UKM), Conducting research on microfluidic under MIMOS Bhd Conducting research on gyroscope under MIMOS Bhd Conducting research on EMIFET (Electro-Magnetic Field Effect Transistor) under MIMOS Bhd Conducting research on huMIMOS (humidity/moisture) sensor Under MIMOS Bhd. Managing MOEMS & Physical Sensor Research Group under MIMOS Bhd and conducting research on Single and Multilayers Electrode humidity sensors using Polyimide as vapour absorbent. Managing MOEMS & Physical Sensor Research Group under, MIMOS Bhd and conducting research on Fringing Electric, Field Double Spatial Wavelength Interdigital Dielectrometric, Soil Moisture Sensors and MEMS Vibratory Floated Bridge, Interdigital Dielectrometric Sensors. Conducting research on Micro Energy under MIMOS Bhd. Patent : ‘Capacitive Area-Changed MEMS Gyroscope with Adjustable ResonanceFrequencies’ by inventor/s – DR. Agus Santoso Tamsir, and now FILED under MIMOS Bhd in Malaysia.2. ‘EMIFET (Electro-Magnetic Field Effect Transistor) as dielectrometric sensor’ by inventor/s – DR. Agus Santoso Tamsir, Dzuzlindah Muhammad Alias, Suraya Sulaiman, Azlan Zakaria, Mohd. Ismahadi Syono, and Rozina Abdul Rani, and now FILED under MIMOS Bhd in Malaysia. 3. ‘Multi-layers electrode huMIMOS (huMIdity/MOiSture) sensors’ by inventors– DR. Agus Santoso Tamsir, Azrif Manut, Dzuzlindah Muhammad Alias, Suraya Sulaiman, and Azlan Zakaria, and now FILED under MIMOS Bhd in Malaysia. 4. ‘MEMS Vibratory Floated Bridge Interdigital Dielectrometric Sensors’ by inventors – DR. Agus Santoso Tamsir, Suraya Sulaiman, Dzuzlindah Muhammad Alias, Azrif Manut, and Azlan Zakaria, and now FILED under MIMOS Bhd in Malaysia. 5. ‘Double Spatial Wavelength Interdigital Dielectrometric Soil Moisture Sensors’ by inventors – DR. Agus Santoso Tamsir, Dzuzlindah Muhammad Alias, Azrif Manut, Suraya Sulaiman, and Meilana Siswanto, and now FILED under MIMOS Bhd in Malaysia. 6. ‘Novel Fabrication Process of Multi-layers Electrode huMIMOS (huMIdity/MoiSture) sensors’ by inventors – Suraya Sulaiman, DR. Agus Santoso Tamsir, Azrif Manut, Dzuzlindah Muhammad Alias, and Azlina Zain’, and now FILED under MIMOS Bhd in Malaysia. 7. ‘A Prismatic Structure for Harvesting Energy from Ambient Sources’ by inventors – A.S.M. Mukter-Uz-Zaman, DR. Agus Santoso Tamsir, Mohammad Shaharia Bhuyan, Prof. Dr. Masuri Othman, and Suraya Sulaiman, and now FILED under MIMOS Bhd in Malaysia. 8. ‘An Apparatus for Maximum Detection of Vibrating Energy for Power Harvester’ by inventors – A.S.M. Mukter-Uz-Zaman, DR. Agus Santoso Tamsir, Khairul Hakimin Zainuddin, Mohammad Shaharia Bhuyan, Prof. Dr. Masuri Othman, and Suraya Sulaiman, and now FILED under MIMOS Bhd in Malaysia. 9. ‘A Novel Prisomic Apparatus Capable of Energy Harvesting from Ambient Sources’ by inventors – A.S.M. Mukter-Uz-Zaman, Suraya Sulaiman, Mohammad Shaharia Bhuyan, DR. Agus Santoso Tamsir, and Prof. Dr. Masuri Othman, and now FILED under MIMOS Bhd in Malaysia. 10. ‘Integrated Sensor System for Soil Moisture Sensor with Serial Digital Output’ by inventors – Rozaimah Baharim, Hasmayadi Abdul Majid, Mohd Shahiman Sulaiman, DR. Agus Santoso Tamsir, Yuzman Yusoff, Wee Leong Son, Nabihah Razali, Rohana Musa, Rozaimah Baharim, Hanif Che Lah, Rohaya Abdul Wahab, Tan Kong Yew, Sharifah Saleh, Nazaliza Othman, and now FILED under MIMOS Bhd in Malaysia.Publications : [1] The Analysis of Gate Current in Thin – Oxide – Channel MOSFETs,. [2] Active-Region Spatial Calculation Methods of 1.55 μm GaInAsP/InP Bundle-Integrated-Guide Distributed-Bragg-Reflector (BIGDBR) Laser, The Growth Characterization of GaInAsP/InP Waverguide for Photonic Device, The Characterization of GaInAsP/InP Semiconductor Layer Thickness for Photonic Device, [5] The Calculation of Confinement Factor and Threshold Current of 1.55 μm GaInAsP/InP Laser Diode with Single-Mode Layers, [6] Wavelength Characterization of GaInAsP/InP Growth Waveguide Using LPE in 1.17 μm Wavelength,.[7] A Preparation to Fabricate Basic Long Wavelength Optical Devices Using LPE, Fabrication and Characterization of DCPBH (Double Channel Planar Buried Heterostructure), [9] Growth Properties of GaInAsP/InP Semiconductor Layers for Optoelectronic Devices Using LPE, International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM – 97), [10] The Analysis of the Ratio of Coupling and Wave Difference Factor of Taper Waveguide, [11] Visualization of Performance Characteristic of GaInAsP/InP BID-DBR LD Cavity, [12] The Influence of Bandgap Narrowing (Eg) on Current Density (Jc), Ideality Factor (n), and Early Voltage (Va) in Si – Si1-xGex, [13] The model of Bandgap Narrowing as a Function of Heavy – Doping Concentration and Ge Mole – Fraction in SiGe HBT [14] The Characterization of Spectral – Width of GaAs Laser Semiconductor Spectrum for Tunable Laser Diode Design, [15] Approximation of Ideal Dispersion Management in Long Distance Soliton Transmission, [16] Analysis of Wavelength Channel Number of Sampled – Grating DBR Lasers, [17] The Characterization of UHV System of the Growth Chamber of MBE 32P in PPME UKM - Telekom Malaysia,. [18] The Optimization of Mechanical Harmonic Modes of the 75g Balanced Weight Distribution Capacitive Accelerometer, [19] Analytical Study on the Capacitive Accelerometer’s Fingers in Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS),. [20] Analysis of Amplitude Scaling Ratio of Capacitive Accelerometer, [21] The optimization of Mechanical Harmonic Modes of the 75g Balanced Weight Distribution Capacitive Accelerometer, [22], Sagging Analysis of a MEMS Lateral Area- Changed Capacitive Accelerometer for Low-g Applications, [23] The Development of Capacitive MEMS Accelerometer for Automotive Application in IMEN-UKM Laboratory,. [24], Area-Changed Capacitive Accelerometer Using 3-Mask Fabrication Proces,[25] Geometrical Analysis of Capacitive Accelerometer using Mechanical Harmonic Modes, [26], Spring Constant and von-Mises Stress of a Non- Crossing Differential Capacitive Accelerometer, [27] Improvement of Non-Linear Sensitivity of a Capacitive-Type Accelerometer Using Compensation, DTIP’2004 of MEMS and MOEMS , [28] Finger Beam Geometrical Behavior Analysis of a Non-Crossing Differential Capacitive MEMS Accelerometer, [29] Rekabentuk dan Fabrikasi Esselerometer Kapasitif MEMS untuk Aplikasi Beg Udara, [30] Rekabentuk dan Fabrikasi Esselerometer Kapasitif MEM untuk Pecutan (g) Rendah, [31] Touch Mode MEMS Capacitive Pressure Sensors Operating at High Temperature,.
