Fuel cell merupakan sumber tenaga listrik menggunakan hidrogen sebagai bahan bakar dan oksigen sebagai oksi dan menghasilkan air dan energi elektrokimia yang diubah langsung menjadi energi listrik. Berbeda dengan battery yang bekerja tidak kontinyu, sel bahan bakar dapat bekerja kontinyu selagi bahan bakar disuplai ke dalam sel. Pertama kali ditemukan oleh Sir William Grove pada tahun 1839. Dasar pemikiran Grove ialah proses kebalikan elektrolisis. Proses elektrolisis memerlukan energi listrik untuk menguraikan air menjadi oksigen dan hidrogen. Kebalikan elektrolisis adalah proses yang terjadi di dalam sel bahan bakar hidrogen (fuel cell). Dalam sel hidrogen dan oksigen digabung dan melalui reaksi pertukaran elektron, akan membentuk molekul air dan sejumlah energi listrik. Sel yang diciptakan oleh Grove diberi nama (gas voltaic battery). Sel tersebut terdiri dari dua batang elektrod (anod dan katod) yang berbeda,. dan antara dua batang elektrod dihubungkan oleh rangkaian penghantar elektron. Sel Grove menghasilkan tegangan sebesar 1.8 Volt dan arus 12 Amphere. Lima puluh tahun kemudian penelitian Grove dilanjutkan oleh Ludwig Mond dan Charles Langer dengan hasil temuanya diberi nama sel bahan bakar (fuel cell). Sel bahan bakar kini sedang menuju komersialisasi. Bahkan sebagian negara seperti Jepang, Jerman dan beberapa negara lainya sudah menggunkan sel bahan bakar hidrogen sebagai sumber tenaga untuk sedan, bis, mainan anak-anak, sebagai pembangkit tenaga listrik dan Amerika sudah sejak tahun 1960 telah menggunakan sel bahan bakar hidrogen (Alkali fuel cell, AFC) sebagai penggerak pesawat ruang angkasa.
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Government Support of Fuel Cells:
By supporting the research and development of fuel cells, the United States government is developing clean energy sources for our future while strengthening our country’s competitiveness on the world energy market. Many governmental departments, including the Department of Defense, the Department of Energy, Department of Transportation, etc. have fuel cell programs under development.. All of these programs are leading towards the commercialization of fuel cell technology through partnering with private industry. The Federal Government supports research and development through monetary contributions towards research that is considered risky by industry and by creating the initial markets for expensive new technology. For example, the Climate Change Fuel Cell program provides cost sharing regarding the purchase of a fuel cell system. Hydrogen and fuel cells realize only a fraction of the subsidies that the nuclear and fossil fuel industries receive each year.
Japan, Germany and Canada are all intensively developing fuel cell technology in their respective countries. Many of the manufacturers located in these countries enjoy governmental support that far surpasses what the United States Government is providing at home. These countries realize that fuel cells and hydrogen are the most likely replacement for our current energy system and with this in mind, they are trying to develop future industries today.
By supporting fuel cell development, the United States Government will increase the opportunities to strengthen our national energy security, improve environmental conditions and help develop an industry. The United States is dependent on politically unstable and unfriendly regions of the globe for its supply of oil. Currently, the United States imports 50% of its oil and, according to the Department of Energy, this number is expected to grow to 65% by 2020. Fuel cells, with their characteristic fuel flexibility, allow the United States to dramatically reduce its dependence on foreign energy sources and reduce its unbalanced foreign trade debt. By eliminating or greatly reducing the emissions associated with fossil fuels, a noticeable improvement in the environmental conditions in many major metropolitan areas will occur. This will lead to a reduction of pollution-related medical conditions and a dramatic increase in the quality of life for residents of these areas. These two benefits combine to form an incalculable monetary impact.. Fuel cells and related industries can expand and improve the United States economy by creating new jobs in fuel cell manufacturing, sales, service and hydrogen production and storage.