Semua kegiatan hampir selalu berbasis energi BBM. Meskipun ada basis lainnya seperti batubara dan nuklir, misalnya. Tidaklah mengherankan, bahwa harga BBM ini suatu saat akan menaik. Para pakar sudah tau hal ini. Itu betul adanya, karena minyak fosil habis disedot. Pada saat yang sama, hukum permintaan dan tarik menarik berlaku. Ini wajar. Permintaan semakin tinggi dan stok minyak fosil semakin habis, maka apa yang terjadi? Lonjakan harga tak terelakan setiap masa nantinya. Masihkah sektor BBM ini tetap menjadi basis utama bahan bakar nasional di tahun-tahun berikutnya? Jawabnya jelas, yaitu “Tidak”. Bertumpu pada BBM sebagai basis utama, jelas tidak efisien. Suatu saat akan mengalami kemandegan distribusi BBM.
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Visit for more information. A sustainable global energy strategy, first proposed by Buckminster Fuller in 1969, to interconnect the abundant renewable energy resources between nations around the world. Benefits include: reducing pollution and climate change, reducing poverty and hunger, and increasing trade, cooperation and peace.
The History of Fuel Cells:
Sir William Grove first demonstrated the technology behind fuel cells in 1839. The gas battery, later named the fuel cell, reversed the well-understood principal of electrolysis to generate an electrical current. Grove's invention was largely a curiosity as the age was captivated by the horseless carriage and the large reserves of petroleum that were being discovered. Fuel cells remained in obscurity until 1960 when the upstart government agency, The National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA), began looking for a practical power source for extended missions to space. Through research and development sponsored by NASA and private industry, the fuel cell is poised to become a replacement for the internal combustion engine and impact the utility industry by making energy cleaner, cheaper and portable.